Should I go blonde or stay brunette?
I’m currently blonde. Which one suits me the best?
I want an outside opinion, blonde or brunette on me?
Went brunette. I hope it was the right choice !! What do yall think ?!!!
purple dye in dark brown hair
Should I dye my hair brown again??
What food does it still surprise you people keep on consuming?
What are the essentials in starting a clothing brand?
Why would a guy lie about the reason of breakup?
What's something cheap that you prefer over the more expensive alternative?
What do you look for in a friend?
How do you get yourself to sleep on nights you can't seem to relax?
What are some good subreddits to scroll when you want to avoid news/politics?
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done ?
If you recieved $5,000 bonus how would you spend it?
If you could learn the truth about any one mystery in the world, what would it be?
How is your day?
What's your favorite co-op/ multiplayer game?
What are some things that people don’t realise are scams that are definitely scams?
Who was your celebrity crush?
What do you like most about driving?
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve misplaced or lost?
What was your first crush name?
What job would you never want to do?
What class did you take because of your own personal interest?