Kan inte längre stödja Hamas efter detta uppenbara användadet av AI-"konst"
antipodean resistance (2011-2017)
FYI: March of the Machines Quick Draft is about 66% UB.
Vilka Youtube-kanaler är värda att följa för underhållning? (Även dokumentärer)
Is it possible to replicate this style with SD?
First squad of Folgore Paracadusti built
Överbryggningslån utan säljkontrakt?
Jag är så jävla trött på det här ansiktet
My dad has a carved wooden bear, which has sat outside in the elements for the past 15-20 years. He (the bear, not my dad) has since relocated to my porch. His base is spongy and rotting but he himself is sound. How can I salvage his base?
Part Identification Mega Thread - February 15, 2023
I am rebuilding some sets from my childhood lego collection, which contains mixed parts spanning multiple decades (~70s-00s). Which type would be most appropriate for set 6090 from 1995? I have 20+ of both of these types in my collection...
Skyttedal har använt cannabis: ”Har haft mina personliga skäl”
I would like to share with you the custom minifig I made before Lego made an official one. It's at least 20 years old (yellow hands) and almost assuredly older than that.
God jul allihopa! Ta hand om er under helgen!
När grät ni senast?
Norrtäljes politiska ledning chockhöjer sin egen lön
Value check
These Antoninus Pius denarii were up for auction starting at 10 € each. I decided against placing bids since they seemed off to me. I submit my humble newbie analysis the captions. Did I miss out on a good deal or dodge a bullet?
Jag hittade detta på PornHub.
Är folk alltid såhär otrevliga på Blocket?
Såg denna och tänkte det kunde vara kul att fråga er här.
Any concerns of authenticity?
Looking to get into the hobby but like most worried about fakes. Does this look legit?
Could these be genuine coins of Constantine?
Half Life: Alyx