Graph of the biggest Turkic ethnicities ranked by population (Top 20)
Here is a graph of the Top 20 Largest Turkic Ethnicities! (sorry if any mistakes)
Here is a graph of the 20 Largest Turkic ethnicities, sorry if any mistakes
Graph of the largest Turkic ethnicities by population
I hate this sub
Which Channel is the Worst? (Round 14)
Don't worry guys! I fixed it!
Ain’t no way 😭
What is this thumbnail jack?
So, FreddieThePebble's mental health is deteriorating, because of the hate he's getting on the subreddit. Jack, PLEASE STOP THIS!
Jack in the “What if Kanye West was white” Facebook page.
Jack what is this
Jacksucksatlife reddit recap according to reddit (Screen recorded don't roast me jack 😭😭)
Name a jack reference!! pt 3 big daddy is the winner!! Now on to -C-
Can’t wait for him to read this out!
Why is it so expensive Jack? 🤣
Jack you NEED to ban these bots!!!!
Does anyone else think this could've been a main channel video?
I think Jack should continue his YouTube News series as there has been some big stuff happening in YouTube recently
this new mod is annoying
GeoClue - I made a Geography game for Jack
Since that DogPack404 was exposed for lying, Youtube turned pink and a bunch of other stuff, Jack should make another YouTube news video
Rate this map me and my friends drew(second repost)
Drawling Jack templates,which one next?(Jack pls react)
Come on we can do this