Who would you recruit?
Can’t connect online.
Here We Go, They Wanna Bag!
How rare is it to get a Heisman as a DE?
Wayne won’t sign artists in it for the money
How would you feel about College Basketball 27
Freak athlete TE
Here's why you need to step up into the pocket!
No Squads 3V3 🌝
Most unhinged cartoons photos you got, GO
I’m done and out
Going to buy 2k25, is it good
Myteam is boring n unrewarding
3's just not fun this year - 5'9, big and lock meta
What is the best run play on the game?
The BEST Russell Westbrook build I ever made.
How im calling Hitman Holla vs Geechi Gotti
The quality of play in the league is at the lowest I’ve seen in quite some time. What do you all think?
Using players from the last 10 years, build a frontcourt that have the best chance at defending prime Shaq
What’s everyone’s top 30 Orlando Magic players?
Deluxe pack of some kind
Appreciate it 2k, rare W
We deserve better than EA
Ink Masters would never