Does anyone know what unit this patch belongs to?
Question about MP uniform, what the leather strap name that connects to the belt?
Question about uniform, what’s the name of the leather strap that connects to the belt and goes to shoulder?
Anybaody has any idea of what this is. Seller is saying its a propaganda book for slovenes to join the SS. But as far as i know there where no or very little slovenes in German army let alone SS. Maybe its a fantasy item?
I found this Vintage West German police hat in an Antique shop but I can find hardly anything on it. Does anyone have any information about it? The inside says Cark Isken, Uniformmützenfabrik, Köln. It says D.B.R 906855 at the bottom.
Flag I designed for my fictional country, the National Republic of Rom. What do ya think?
Too relatable smh
In the "Cars" universe, a movie about humans would probably be a horror movie. Slender creatures made out of flesh and bone riding the lifeless carcasses of cars for their convenience.
Tweet I found from the Canadian Forces in the United States
Reposted "feel good" bullshit. Timely with rampant police violence
If only more people were like him.
The consequences of deep frying your hand.
Happened on my birthday, in the city, at olive garden
"I literally just got off the highway into Naples and this is the first thing that happens to me."
found this (not self-promo)
Utah Cop shoots unarmed skater from behind for grinding on public handrails!
When you generalize at all white people are racist
this guy is a legend
Michael Picard crashes a police rally with an "ALL PIGS MATTER" sign
Sleeping at work
Buena Park Police shoot David Patrick Sullivan trying to escape
I'm being downvoted for speaking the truth. The fact is white cops love to forcefully intimidate black people and not all but most of them are racist.
on r/police, no surprise one of the comments is “good”
Someone painted over the Black Lives Matter in front of Trump Tower today
Man takes multiple pepper sprays and Baton swings from a cop at the justice center in Portland Oregon.