I just cant find a word to say about this.
if you're a woman, doesn't accepting a male god, automatically make you the inferior sex ?
Muslim man asks secular Turkish MP to abolish women's rights so he can beat his wife
I agree 100% with her
friend was pressured to wear hijab and it makes me so sad
progressive muslims are so funny
I remember that time when I was a muslim, arguing in this Sub Reddit last year
Truly heartbreaking.
most of time debate btw ex-muslim vs muslim
I’m scared that Islam will end up being true.
What a white, American, revert has to say about polygamy 🙄
Confronting my parents.
The stories told by survivors of the Sinjar massacre (2014) committed by Muslims
Is there anyone else Albanian here? Can we get that cancerous religion out of our country please?
Muslim here ........
Queen Camilla visiting an Islamic school in London today… the absolute fucking joke of an irony
Is there anywhere in the Quran or Hadiths that says or implies that women should stay uneducated?
Alex O’Connor (Cosmic Skeptic on YouTube) backs out from debate due to concerns over Islamic extremism
I’m a Muslim, I want to debate someone in DMs
Fuck islam - it is a cancer, and we need "chemo"
Can someone explain why my housemates said this?
Should i come out?
Am I guilty for this?
(Wholesome) Saw a niqabi woman feeding a dog today.
My Husband is Struggling with His Beliefs, and I Want to Help Him See the Truth