Wives must sleep with their husband whenever he wants, because he doesn’t get any sex during her period or after she gives birth
Zakir Naik on even days
Can the 21st century be an opportunity for Muslim nations?
I saw a full "ninja" Burqa woman standing by herself. Not a common sight in my city, even now. I THOUGHT that Muslims this fundie required women have a male chaperone in public, so why was she alone?
Least Idiotic Dawah Guy
"Turkish man asks secular mp to abolish woman's rights laws in turkey, because apparently they don't exist in europe" 😂 🤣 🤣
What happens if I go to hell for everyone
Truly heartbreaking.
this subreddit is giving me major echo chamber vibes
We never needed God/Allah
Some context around Quran burning
I want to seek refuge to a western country and I don't know what to do.
Aisha isn't as innocent as she seems to be 🤔
Aww this is so cute.😍
She asked ChatGPT, about if ChatGPT is a devil, what tactics would they use to make the Muslims stray away from the path.
Any ex muslim who converted to another abrahamic religion?
I remember that time when I was a muslim, arguing in this Sub Reddit last year
Old video I found while creeping around
"how important is religion in your life?" iran.
I mean everyone is different. I put my shoes off, whenever I am in someone's house, muslim or not.
Never seen before footage & proof of the prophet Mohammed (pbuh)
People or tribes ordered or supported to be killed by muhammad the islamic prophet
List of people ordered or supported to be killed by muhammad (Part-2)
List of People Ordered or supported to be killed by muhammad Part 3
Literally What the fuck?