work crushes
UGHHH.....I hate HATE!!
What is Hank saying while doing this? Wrong answers only.
These were stuck all around OTC today 🙄
What’s everyone reading tonight?
Does anyone read nonfiction?
lol, why does he have to say “we’re not a cult?”
3 Star Trades
5 🌟 total for any card
Why are you awake this early?
What do you do when you can't fall asleep?
What is a must have Super Bowl food/snack?
Specially Selected Double Chocolate Brownies
Two weeks after leaving White House, former President Joe Biden signs with talent agency
What do my bedroom fridges say about me?
Any 2 x3*s for any 4*
Looking for Exhibition eve, what I have
What do I choose? 😭
How do Chinese restaurants cook so fast?
LF a no-pressure team
Have you eaten a vegetable today?
What were your favorite heart-warming moment(s) on the show?
Peggy Lines that Were Legitimately Clever/Poignant?
Do you sleep with a fan on?