When a disc is included in your tourney participation, what would you want to get?
As a DM, would you let your players change the ability score increase they get from a feat?
Any good tips or suggestions for the slow parts?
AITA for accepting a bonus and then quitting?
AITA for making food for everyone but my younger sister?
Why do you not bag an ace disc?
Suggest me 2 games. One you thought was excellent, one you thought was horrible. Don't tell me which is which.
AITA for insisting my daughter should be allowed to go on the “guys only” family trip?
Dealing with a Player That Misses a Lot of Sessions and (Pooled) Party XP
AITA for staying at a birthday party when they explicitly asked me to stay?
AITA for leaving our hotel room to use the lobby toilet?
What’s your main putter?
How do you deal with unparticipating players ?
Most usefull thing you got in the bag, that's not discgolf related.
Innova F2 Friday dropped: Star Corvette
PR in a hex & putter only round
Would You Take a Date to Play Disc Golf?
AITA for correcting a friend when she said she “re-homed” her cat?
AITA for telling my cleaner to get off the phone
Player used Sending Spell after being sent back in time
What are you throwing here?
What are you throwing?
You can't give me $5?
Putting techniques?
AITA for not giving my niece the porcelain doll my mother left for her?