Is my GF 21F love bombing me 22M?
What to bring to ITX?
My 19M girlfriend 21F is freaking out about a facial she got.What is the best move?
If you haven’t been paid.
Most Made Up Billet You've Ever Heard
AMA about boot camp and getting dropped.
United States Air Force vs Marine Corps
Best military job for post military employment
Information on an mos
Do I rate leave?
Special liberty request not recommended?
What's the oldest one waiver you've heard used
Does ADHD always need a waiver?
MOS Choices
Receiving Day Stress
Whats your reason for joining?
Marrying your homies for BAH?
Sending and Receiving international letters
I ship out on the 30th this month is there anything I need to know before I ship?
Reserves to Active duty while in the DEP
Should i get better running shoes?
Helping someone you love
Helping someone
I'm leaving next week what should i do now to prepare?