White Death vs Marvel Zombies

So I recently got really into Marvel Zombies. I got all the kickstarter boxes except Gallactus. I have played through almost all the missions and really enjoy the game. I love having a huge stack of hero / zombie heroes cards and how different all the heroes / zombie heroes are.

I bought White Death and the TMNT expansion and brought it to the table for the first time tonight and feel really disappointed.

  • The game just seems flat. There seems to be a real lack of interesting items, abilities or mechanics.
  • The abilities seem minimal between survivors, the TMNT concept is the definition of shoe horned in.
  • The quality of everything including the cards to the box separators just feel cheaper.
  • Having no 3 damage weapons to start and then drawing an abomination first spawn feels really really bad.

I don't see myself playing this again unless it was with a group of people who aren't really into games.

Does anyone else feel this way? Am I missing something?