Did Martha know about Jack's betrayal?

We know that Crow knew about it, cause he talks to Yusei about it, but Martha never brings it up.


When she meets Jack again she doesn't bring it up or scold him or anything, just greeting him like normal. So does she not care that Jack nearly drowned a kid and stole Yusei's Duel Runner and Stardust Dragon? Did Yusei just not tell her cause even though he was angry at Jack he didn't want Martha to be hurt? Cause she scolds Yusei for not being able to face Kiryu and not helping Aki, but says nothing about Jack stealing from his childhood friend?

Side note, It'd be hilarious if Yusei got out of prison by using his one phone call to tell Jack, if he doesn't get him out, he'll tell Martha everything cause Jack clearly cares a lot about her if he's willing to do the whole King and Lady's hand thing in front of everyone.