Small Tweaks to the M+ Affix Changes that Keeps the Challenge while Solving the Headaches
“Explosive” is now a shield placed on up to one mob per pack at random intervals, visualized by them being engulfed in flames (e.g. Combustion). It functions like the Kael’Thas shield from Nathria. You simply break it in time or it explodes. Optionally, this could also deal damage to the effected mob to not add too much to the timer. This forces the target swap mechanic while not creating an issue where you need to handle an orb in a random location.
“Afflicted” now summons mobs that start as hostile that channel a spell of the various type (disease, poison, curse, etc.) onto one player. This channel creates a healing absorb. There are now three ways to remove it: CC the mob, dispel the effect, or heal the absorb. I like the idea that they then offer a buff when they leave. This is no longer just another healer affix.
“Entangling” does not spawn immediately. Like volcanic before it, there is an indicator on the ground where it will spawn. Remaining in the area when the effect goes off triggers the entanglement, which is then broken by moving like on the PTR. This now does not as adversely hinder slow classes.
“Incorporeal” mobs are now full immune to damage. Once CC’d, they won’t break on taking damage.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, and happy Friday y’all!
Small Edit: The “Explosive” mob in a pack can’t be one that has a material interrupt.