Question About Dilution and Our Shitbag Shorters.

Greetings. Noob here. I haven't been able to understand one or more aspects of the recent dilution. One question is do we know or can we say with a high level of certainty who bought the 27,793,535 shares? If our shorts bought them, what would that do to the shorts untenable position as described by G-Money? If they did buy the shares, would that mean that they were able to exit their position? If they weren't able to buy the majority of the shares and reduce their Short position, what does an increasing share price do to their situation? If a short squeeze is highly unlikely, is the scorched earth single trade exit G-Money described still on the table as an option for our shorts to exit?

I do understand from reading G-Money's posts that our shorts seem to have significant control over the share price right now with "Hal 9000". However, it seems like they wouldn't be able to control high buying volume as more and more positive news about Wolfspeed rolls out. I don't know how high retail and institutional buyers can drive the share price if our shorts are actively working against that climb so I'm just wondering what people think about my questions and what other significant points should be made in association to this. Or, tell me what I need to know to help understand things more correctly. Thanks!