How are y’all affording your weddings??

Me (24NB) and my fiancé (27NB) have been engaged to get married since 2021. We were supposed to get married this year but moved it to 2026. Why? We can barely afford to survive. Even without rent, and with my grandparents buying most of the groceries, most of our money goes to bills. I don’t know what to do. I’m a college student and can only work a few hours a week, which ends up equaling out to only $600 a month. My fiancé makes more, but not enough to afford us our own place. The real kicker is even though we barely make anything, it’s still “too much” for food stamps. Originally my budget for the wedding was about $20,000, and the goal was to save that throughout our engagement. But in the end, we still have nothing. Every time we get a little saved up, something goes wrong. My dad and my grandparents have made it clear that they’re not going to put a cent toward our wedding, which I understand. I don’t want other people paying anyway. It’s our decision, and our expense. We could just do a courthouse wedding, but it really has been my dream since I was little to have a real wedding. I’m not trying to make anyone pity me, I just need some advice. I see everyone around me having these beautiful weddings and it’s hard not to feel like I’m failing somewhere.