100%ing a video game is 100% a waste of time!

I don’t understand people’s obsession with 100% playing a video game. Like why do you need to find all the collectables that add no value to the game? You have to watch someone do it for you on YouTube 95% of the time or look it up online. So like what are you proving? Why do you need the achievement that proves you had to google search where to find all the collectables.

I understand the desire to do something like complete a level on the hardest difficulty or unlock a really hard secret boss. But when you’re 100% getting all the grindy achievements then like why? There’s millions of other video games to play, but you really want to spend your time watching videos to find all the feathers in Assassin’s creed?

Edit: A lot of people are saying I’m “gate keeping” or whatever variant of that phrase or action. The reality is; this is my OPINION and you’re allowed to spend whatever time you want on anything you want to do. I’m not your Mom, I’m not your Dad, I’m a nobody from the Internet, where I’m stating my unpopular opinion amongst video game players.

Hell I even enjoy watching youtubers like Settled, ChunkYanile (I can’t remember his Yt name) put extreme limitations on their OSRS gameplay. I could never do it myself; because I think it’s a huge waste of time with no audience, but I do enjoy watching it.