My 100% physics driven boxing game
For some reason I can't include a video..but here is one on youtube
Forgive me for posting this here, but since all the other games, like Bloody Knuckles and Overhand Interactive are being discussed here, I thought it might be alright.
I've been working on this game for the last 3 years..before I made another game (called 3dboxing), boxing fanatico made a favorable review on this old game (, but as it was a bit limited, I decided to start all over.
The game is completely physics driven, NO CANNED ANIMATION AT ANY POINT. As far as I know, no other boxing game is doing that (correct me if I'm wrong). In my opinion that is the only way to accurately simulate boxing, because boxing is first and foremost about the subtle details. When a game uses a fixed set of animations the details and finesse is lost.
Game is not complete yet, "real" graphics are missing and online is missing, but are planned in the near future. I release updates every now and then, and each update is in itself a playable game.
Features so far
* 100% physics driven. Because of that it is statistically impossible to perform the exact same movement twice
* All punches (straights, hooks, uppercuts), both as body and head punches
* Analog bob and weave (using the analog stick)
* All none conflicting movements can be combined, for example weave left/walk/jab/blocking (in this case only right hand will be used for blocking, since the left arm is occupied with the jab)
* Control the boxer using either controller or keyboard (or both)
* Configurable controls both for controller and keyboard
* Customizable characters. Body type, arm/leg length, height, weight class and appearance.
* Career mode
* Records
* Fights are saved for later viewing (accessible via the record user interface)
* Replays between rounds
* Heavybag, sparring and shadow boxing mode
Things that need to be implemented:
* Real graphics, skins, arenas, gyms
* Online play
* Stance editor/punch editor
That doesn't mean that development will stop there, I plan on continuing development on this game indefinitely.
I plan to release it on steam later this year, as soon as the real graphics are implemented
Well, if you are interested check it out, you can download it from discord in the #downloads channel