When you realize that you’re ignored, mistreated, and stifled in life due to your appearance it really pisses you off

I get so fucking pissed that my value as a person is determined by how fuckable people find my facial features to be. Determines what jobs I can get, how far I can move up in those jobs, how long I can keep those jobs, whether or not people view me as “fitting in with work culture” or not. It’s just too much stress and makes you really feel like your whole life is predetermined and helpless due to something out of your control

My appearance is one of the only things I hate about myself. And I hate it because it affects every other aspect of my life. It affects how people treat me, which affects how I feel about myself, it affects whether or not people take me seriously or not or view me as capable or not even if I am…. And it pisses me off because for a long time all I wanted was to talk to people, have fun, make long lasting fun memories, but I’m confined to a room and social rejection due to being ugly…. And it just makes life so boring and lackluster

Not to mention I constantly have to stress myself out about keeping up with haircuts, skin care, and everything else so I won’t look WORSE than I already do and it barely works

I don’t want to be viewed as just my appearance. I wish appearance never fucking mattered. I just want to dabble in my interests, talk to people who get me, and have fun… i can’t even have that Bare minimum thing that everyone else has and takes for granted everyday

I fucking hate being ugly and I hate living in a superficial world

I came into work the other day and everyone gave me the cold shoulder and ignored me whereas they greet everyone else enthusiastically and hold convos all day long they talk shit about and exclude me and it becomes too much To deal with especially when you realize it’s happening because of your appearance