Tesco Application: Step 3

Hello all. Just for a bit of context I turn 18 in the middle of January, and plan to apply to Tesco as a Tesco Colleague then.

I've done some research on applying to Tesco, and once I applied before putting my age in and it said that at step 3 'you did not meet the minimum criteria for this' when all I did was put my skills in and previous experiences in Step 2 (which are heavily retail focused)

I don't want this issue to come again when I actually apply when I turn 18, and I was wondering if there is any way to overcome this or ensure that I can past this step and manage to gain an interview. The store is only a 7 minute walk from me also, in case distance is also a factor too.

If there is any advice that could help me on this, please let me know, thanks.