Do any other black SB’s relate?

Just to preface this I’m doing talk to text because it’s easier so if there’s typos, I’m sorry.

So, I don’t wanna say that this is necessarily an issue but something I have noticed. I am a light skin black woman with tattoos. A petite 5’1 you know slim waist, fat ass whatever but it seems like I have to try 10 times harder than non-women of color in order to get a Sugar Daddy. I feel like I am nitpicked a little bit more in my arrangements. Like and maybe this is me being judgmental and I’m not trying to be this way but I know that if I showed up the same way that white women or Asian women are able to show up in these arrangements I wouldn’t even be looked at. At the same time it’s like I can’t win. If I show up too dolled up, then I’m intimidating. Some of them want me to show up like how I look in the house and I don’t really understand that. So it’s just like I don’t really understand like what men in this lifestyle want, especially when they take an interest in black women. It is also disheartening and weird when I am rejected because I don’t fit the stereotype. I’m sorry that I don’t have hood stories to tell you. I don’t even understand like why they want that but that’s another thing that I encounter and it’s annoying like yes I am an educated black woman that comes from an educated family of black folks. Sorry. I have even encountered the issue of being considered aggressive and I’m far from aggressive. I am direct but not aggressive. So I just wanna hear from other women in the lifestyle who are black women do you encounter this or do you feel this way as well? And honestly, Sugar Daddy‘s y’all can comment too if you are the man that tends to gravitate towards black women, what do you look for or do you have an explanation for what I just ranted about 😭?