The Assault on the Duga (ward) - Secure the checkpoint bug - Possible solution! (no console commands needed)


like many other fellow stalkers, I've come across this infamous bug, where it's impossible to complete The Assault on the Duga, as "Secure the checkpoint" completion will not trigger. Hopefully, this guide will help some of you experiencing the same bug as me.

I think this guy might be to blame, as he is stuck in the air and won't join the squad (I've tried many desperate solutions like jumping on him or throwing grenades to put him on the ground - without success)

So ignore him, and just go with the others until you kill all the Monolith in the outpost. After that, completion of securing the checkpoint task won't trigger no matter what. Some say there are more monolith stuck in the walls, but this was not my case; all was pretty much cleared.

To possibly fix this, jump on the roof as described (may take a few attempts)

After that, jump down and go to the right and keep on running forwards (Don't worry, you will not be sniped)

After a while, completion of Securing the checkpoint should me marked as completed and new task Hold Your Position and Wait for Reinforcements should trigger.

Turn around and run back, there is a tank with a ramp you can climb over.

Now you should continue with the mission as usual.

I hope this solution will help you! :)