Google business email marked as spam

Hi all!

By any chance, can I ask how to get my google business account not marked as spam?

I passed all of the things here, warmed up my email for about a week or so, but it's still being marked as spam. How do I get regular emails to land in people's inboxes?

Any help on this would be appreciated! Thanks!

Edit: people seem to not believe I set things up properly, so here's what the test email shows

|| || |Domain| 🔍| |Identity|RFC5321.MailFrom| |Auth Result|PASS| |DMARC Alignment|PASS|
|| || |Domain|| |Selector|google 🔍| |Algorithm|rsa-sha256 (2048-bit)| |Auth Result|PASS| |DMARC Alignment|PASS|
|| || |RFC5322.From domain| 🔍| |Policy (p=)|none| |SPF|PASS| |DKIM|PASS| |DMARC Result|PASS|