overall opinion on frank gallagher?

he may have been a terrible father but i do believe he loved his kids. maybe it’s because i had similar issues as a kid with my parents. but when you understand addiction to that level i started to have sympathy for him around season 1-2 but he really started to be a horrible human rather than father because he can’t grow tf up and the drugs damaged his brain and ability to be a father let alone a decent one(im on season 8) but overall opinion is he a horrible person in general or is it his addiction? does he genuinely love his family? is he just a selfish prick? what’s you’re opinion?

(just a question and opinion so don’t argue i just wanna know what people think)

edit: i’m re watching it and my opinion has changed since lmao he’s barley a father and i loved how continuously through the show they never gave in after the first couple seasons (mostly carl and debbie) i don’t like frank but i like the show and how they created him. there’s little moments where you can tell he loved them but overall, he’s a shitty person and father.