How I got rid of my mucocele at home
I HATE MUCOCELES, so annoying. I'm writing this because when I had mine I scoured the internet and found NOTHING useful aside from surgery which is very long-winded and if in the USA could be expensive. This is how I healed my mucocele (oral cyst) in about 10 days with no popping, weird remedies like alum, or surgeries.
I first got one in Dec/Jan time and just had it for 2 months as I didn't want to go to a doctor. I tried all the home remedies and at best it would temporarily shrink. I ended up having it removed which did get rid of it completely, and it took 2-3 weeks to heal.
However, I got another one recently and was like ffs not this again. This time I used a different approach. Firstly I did a 24-hour fast. It's actually (if done right) good for you to do 24,48, or even 72h fasts, but the main reason I did it was that I didn't want to use my mouth and create saliva or chew which alwayyyys aggravated them. After that 1 day it shrunk 50%. The following 4 days I just had liquid foods, like lentil soup and protein shakes so I didn't waste away. Again NO chewing or saliva is needed. By the end of the week it completely went flat and turned into a canker sore-looking thing and was gone within 3 days. So in 10 days I 100% got rid of my mucocele without any weird remedies or surgery.
I also did salt water rinses at 3-5 times a day to clean and shrink the mucocele too. I think I get them because I bite my lip in my sleep, and since then I have had 1 or 2 'starting' mucoceles, very small ones, that I could bite and pop (that's what I did to cause my first one). But I immediately just do a fast and start salt water rinses and they go away again in like a day.
To sum up (TLDR):
Do a 24, 48,72 hour fast initially. I would also recommend intermittent fasting or OMAD (one meal a day), this minimizes mouth use.
Do 3-5 salt water rinses evenly spaced in the day, every day until it is fully gone.
When you don't want to fast do a liquid diet (protein shakes, milk, lentil soup, anything blended up) and drink through a straw so you completely avoid the mucocele from contacting food or chewing.
You will see it shrink rapidly, and at some point (5-6 days in) you could do easy-to-eat foods like eggs but be careful not to bite your lip.
In 10 days it should go away.
This is not medical advice and is just my experience. It wont harm you at all to try this, and just requires some dietary discipline. I believe this is the simplest way to get rid of a mucocele and FAST.
Hope this helps!