Update: I spoke to my entitled roommate concerning my cooking.
Original post can be found on my profile. It's the post right underneath this one.
But TL;DR my roommate has asked me to only cook whenever she is not present. This is a problem as she WFH four days a week and is home during the weekend, which leaves me one day a week to use the kitchen I pay for. When I cook I will go above and beyond to get rid of the smell- I cleaned the exhaust vents, turn off the HVAC, open the doors, and turn on the living room fan. Sometimes it feels like I am living with the princess who can feel the pea under earth her mattress.
I cook simple foods such as mushrooms, eggs, and spring onions.
Initially we had agreed to me only cooking one day a week, but after thinking it over I realized that's bs. We both pay the same amount for rent and split utilities.
As expected, she did not take it well when I told her that I have decided to break our (bs) agreement decided to cook outside of her WFH hours. But there's a silver lining! Perhaps soon I will not have to deal with coddling a 30+ y.o adult child.
Thanks to all who encouraged me to stand up for myself.