The dumb logic behind the 'fairness' excuse
The whole “fairness” excuse for asking people back to the office is nothing more, nothing less than straight-up nonsense. The argument goes: if some folks have to be in person, then everyone should.
That’s like saying since truck drivers have to be on the road, the rest of us should hop in our cars and jam up traffic just to keep things “fair”: all that does is make life harder for everyone, especially truck drivers. Or take CEOs. They have to show up for big meetings and public events, but nobody’s saying they should sit in a cubicle 9-5 just because their employees have to.
Fairness is everything but dragging everyone into the same situation just because some people don’t have a choice. It should only be about setting things up so work actually gets done!
Mandating office attendance in the name of fairness isn’t making things equal at all: it’s just getting in the way of collective progress.