As a Georgian imigrant: Thank you Poles!
Few days ago my country lost an important fight against Russia. We have lost an election, so pro Russian power stays in power. I predicted this and left the country a month ago
I encouraged my gf to do so as well and she went to Spain. Previously I too planned to go there but could not get a job and visa. So I left for Poland, got a job and am planning to stay here for at least a year.
Thank you Poles for being welcoming. First day I arrived here I thought people were stressed and bussy as if they had always something to do, never walking slowly or look around, just walk on the stright line and never smile. But the first time I comunicated to a cashier at Żabka he smiled so widely as if he was waiting for me to talk (I asked "How's plastic bag called"). Then after that another cashier lady I asked her for the receipt and she had a big laugh 😀, every time I meet her she recalls the moment.
So now I think Poles are not unfunny, they're just too shy to initiate a conversation. So with my broken polish I now have few friends even at work. Nobody made me unwelcomed and I really appretiated that.
Of course I feel lonely and I miss my gf but it is how it is, we'll meet somehow.
If somebody wants to know more about Georgia's political situation ask in comments, I'll be glad to explain it.