I discovered a method to downgrade any digital game on PS4 to version 1.0!
It's been about a year since I've been using this method, but I've never posted it anywhere for fear of Sony noticing and fixing it forever. But now, with the PS5 years away, I think it would be interesting to reveal it to whoever wanted it.
I'm not sure if anyone else discovered it and I'm here like an idiot thinking I discovered something that everyone already knows lol.
I also don't know if this works on the PS5, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't, as it's a very specific glitch.
But anyway:
Choose the game you want to downgrade. Uninstall it if you have it downloaded.
Then fill your HD with any other game. (You don't need to download any of them, this is just for the console to calculate that the space has already been used and that this game occupies a certain space. You can simply set it to download and then pause it.)
This is so that when you try to download the game you want to downgrade, the system warns you that the game could not be downloaded due to lack of available storage space.
When you receive the error, go to the network settings and disable the console's internet. Go back to active downloads and delete the games you left to take up space. Press to continue downloading the game you want to downgrade. (At this point, it should have the message: "Unable to download. No storage space available.")
The download will start again but as there is no internet, it will be stuck at "Preparing to download 4%".
At this point, go back to the network options and activate the internet again.
After a few seconds the game download will continue. But, with the difference that you are not downloading the most recent version of the game, but rather the first one. Version 1.0. You will notice the difference when you see the size of the file being downloaded, which is usually considerably lighter than it would normally be in the most recent Patch.
Wait for the download to finish (Be very careful not to turn off the internet or pause the download. If this happens, the latest version will be downloaded and you will have to do everything from the beginning.)
Start the game and have fun.
Remember. Whenever you enter the game with the internet turned on, the latest patch will begin downloading. You can delete it, pause it or just play with the internet turned off.
I think that's all. Cheers.