ADHD, perfectionism, or lack of inspiration

So I’ve played piano for over 30 years. I’m a full time, professional musician, which means I play all sorts of gigs, teach lessons, play on records/sessions, act as an agent to make sure bands have contracts for gigs, etc. There’s literally a hundred ways to exist as a professional pianist, and I try to do them all. Well, I guess all of this running around has made me miss the reason I started in the first place; artistic expression. Now, I’m a professional musician, but in no way am I a professional “song” writer, and I’ve rarely written anything instrumental with any sort of poignancy, but I always work great with somebody to bounce ideas off of. All that said, I set out to write an album of song songs in 2019. I got about 12 starts, and I might even consider a few of them complete, but I just don’t love any of them. Maybe the piano forum isn’t the best place for this, but maybe I need somebody to explain it to me like I’m 5 how I can inspire myself and create original music that I enjoy listening to. Thanks