PhotoPrism iOS App
Hi All,
I am new to the PhotoPrism community and I noticed that there is no native iOS app. So I thought to myself that I should make one (especially considering that making iOS apps is my day job!).
I have spent the last 3 weeks starting this and believe that I have a testable Alpha build that has some basic features in place (see list below). I am writing this post to see if there is anyone interested in helping to test it before I release to the App Store. I am primarily looking for people with LARGE library’s but everyone is welcome!
I am limiting the initial test to around 20 people to start with and instructions will be sent to anyone interested - testing will be via Apples Testflight platform more information can be found here ( You will need to download and install the Testflight app from the App Store first.
The app currently supports iPhone and iPad (mac had to be removed due to some limitations in SwiftUI) running iOS 17.
Current Features (build 68)
- Server setup (you can use demo if you have no account).
- Browsing existing assets on the PhotoPrism server.
- Upload local images from device to PhotoPrism server.
- Delete assets on PhotoPrism server.
- Browse albums on PhotoPrism server.
- Add new albums to PhotoPrism server.
- Add photos to albums from local device.
- View photos fullscreen.
- Share images via fullscreen.
- Demo mode
- Offline mode
A full roadmap/features in progress can be found here:
EDIT Testflight invite link here:
EDIT EDIT Thanks to everyone who has sent in feedback via Testflight. Unfortunately I can't directly reply to (but don't stop sending it int, it's very useful). If you require more assistance please join the discord: