Anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers are the reason this pandemic has gotten so bad and lasted so fucking long
Fuck anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers!! You are the reason this pandemic has lasted so long! And you think you're fucking special because you somehow have "free will"? How much of your decision is based off the malformed garbage you watched on Fox News and other conservative shit boxes? Do you think ANY of us LIKE to wear masks and DON'T miss our families?? Fuck no! But we do it anyway because we want to protect others. Unlike your selfish ass, we can put 2 braincells together to think of others. You're not a fucking hero because you're not afraid of this virus--sounds like you're just trying to prove something to yourself. Yes, you may be able to survive it if you get infected, but think of others who you might pass it to that have frail immune systems. The only reason half the population hasn't been killed off is because there are so many of us doing the RIGHT THING AND WEARING A MASK, not being selfish fucking babies like you. You're living your fucking life without hindrance BECAUSE OF ALL OF US MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO DO SO. WHY THE FUCK CAN'T YOU SEE THAT? So many of you fucking idiots claim to be pro-life, yet you're not willing to do something simple as wearing a piece of cloth over your face to protect other HUMAN LIVES?? And if you're NOT wearing a mask, why the fuck wouldn't you be willing to get the fucking vaccine?? Afraid of the side effects?? FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIT. So you're unwilling to get a vaccine that has "bad" side effects, so somehow that's saying you're willing to take your chances with a virus that has killed over 500 THOUSAND FUCKING PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY?? You're NOT a hero, you're NOT a patriot, you're a fucking selfish piece of shit ruining everything for everyone else. FUCK YOU!!
Edit: And another thing. People who keep spewing shit like: "I got it and it was no big deal." YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT. I don't care if YOU PERSONALLY got it and were fine. It's that you HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT OTHERS. Too selfish to do that?? Thought so.
Yes, others might be more at risk than you, less at risk than you, doesn't fucking matter. STOP CONTRIBUTING TO THE SPREAD, PERIOD.