Anyone else’s partners just… don’t get it???

No I’m not leaving my partner so don’t suggest it, just need a rant.

I’m so over-fucking-whelmed 😅 my fiancé has nocturnal seizures, so nights are 100% on me. He has ADHD, so he has a really hard time concentrating on holding the baby (or even really tending to the baby at all). Which I understand both of those things. I’m not mad about either. But holy fuck it’s so frustrating. He does not get it at all.

When he does help, it seems rushed because his attention span is very different to mine. (Example, last night I asked him to do a diaper change. Didn’t realize he had taken edibles. He very quickly changes baby, hands him back to me with his onesie off. The diaper doesn’t look like it’s on right. I roll my eyes and go to fix the diaper. No diaper cream. Baby’s not wiped well. Jfc.) like what the fuck. Such a simple fucking thing to do. And to take edibles, like double what the fuck.

He’s working 5 days a week (a pretty simple job, which he admits himself), 8-4pm. He comes home, and most nights he will cook supper. Which is so appreciated. I end up cleaning up the mess most of the time, which would be fine if he would actually tend to the baby.

Baby is 6 weeks old right now, and very much in the stage of “don’t fucking set me down or I will scream”. So getting literally anything at all done is HARD. Like no naps are even happening set down rn. He’s in my arms 100% of the time 😅 that being said, I truly am proud of how much I’m getting done regardless. Our house is honestly cleaner than it was before the baby came, because I can’t stand a mess.

He doesn’t seem to understand this AT ALL. He makes comments all the time about “you never put him down,” like yes I’ll just let the 6 week old scream. Wtf.

He doesn’t help at night (which again, I’m totally fine with. Baby is EBF so I’d have to get up for any night wakings anyway, one of us might as well get a full nights sleep), so one would think in the mornings he’d help. At least on the weekends. Well “oh I have to poop first”, okay fine. “Well just let me get my coffee and breakfast first then I’ll help”, right. “Well jeeze I’d like to go do whatever today”. If he wants to shower, he needs to do that first before helping. He doesn’t stop ANYTHING he wants to do if the baby needs something. He’s got to do whatever the fuck first. I don’t have the option to do those things first. I’m lucky to get a half shower in.

example last weekend we were getting ready to go pick up a grocery order (one of the only times I’m leaving the house at the moment), I just wanted a shower. I asked him to tend to the baby long enough for me to have a shower. I put him in his pack n play, with the Kick and play in it so he could hangout for a bit. Hopped in the shower, rushing of course because that is my life now. Within 10 minutes, I can hear the baby start to cry. I rush faster. Baby continues to cry. 5 minutes of me trying to finish the shower as fast as possible, I come out to see my partner on his phone completely ignoring our crying baby a foot from him in the pack n play. I was pissed, asked him why he wasn’t comforting him, “I thought he was just bitching I didn’t think anything was wrong”…. What the actual fuck do you mean. Like what. Blown away.

He does not understand at all that my entire life has flipped upside down, in fact I wanted it. We wanted it together when we decided to have a baby. Not only did we just decide to have a baby, we really locked into the idea when we had not only one, but two miscarriages, and continued on to then try for a third time. We really really wanted this. I am so so so happy I have this baby, he’s literally everything I’ve ever wanted and so so much more. But my mental health is soooo fucked, I really don’t have much help.

My mother will come over and hold the baby for a while so I can get some stuff done. The entire time she’s here I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to clean. Not the most helpful thing she could do, but it is what it is. At least I get probably 4 hours in the run of a week where she holds him so I can get something done.

I’ve tried to bring up to my partner that I don’t feel supported enough, that I don’t feel like he’s helping enough. I’ve tried to word it in nice ways, I’ve tried to just be blunt. Regardless, he gets incredibly upset. But it’s almost like he feels bad for himself?? Like he doesn’t feel bad for me at all. He just gets mad at me for making him feel bad?? Like he immediately will just go “yeah I suck!! I know!! I get it!! I fucking suck!” And I just kinda am like “….. did you hear anything I said?” And then he’ll storm off, usually change the (always full because changing a garbage is a two handed job and I have a baby that screams when I set him down) garbage, go out to the garage and punch a wall or something. Then come back in and not speak to me for a while. It’s pleasant.

I understand how relationships don’t make it through the newborn phase 😅😅😅 there are so many great qualities about my partner. Like so so many. This is only example of the worst side of him lol, but Jesus Christ this is a lot. I’m so ready for this phase to pass.

Anyone else live with a man they can’t really stand at the moment?? 😅

ETA: I’m not sure what people think commenting “I wouldn’t have had a child with him” helps? I wouldn’t have had a child with him if he was like this before we had the baby… this is new behaviour. The baby is here, I’m very happy the baby is here, telling me I shouldn’t have had this baby that I went through hell to get here is not helping lol. My partner is acting like an useless asshole, 110% agree. Telling me that I shouldn’t have had my baby doesn’t help.


Thank you to those of you who have been kind! I needed to hear some of the things said in the replies, for sure. Those that were kind and realistic, you definitely put a fire under my ass to really put my foot down and stand up for myself and our baby. I will not be tolerating the behaviour.

I feel the need to add that my partner does, 99% of the time, do what I ask of him. I just feel bad asking. I’m not sure why I feel so bad, but that stops now. And I realize that some people will reply “well you shouldn’t have to ask”, I’m glad your partners are amazing and aren’t absent minded. Mine is absent minded (nicest term I could think to use 😅). Very much so.

I’m definitely blaming ADHD for some other issues that are clearly there. I’m using it as an excuse, for sure. Considering I definitely suspect I also have ADHD, just in a different way. He definitely has major issues. I won’t be tolerating it any longer.

To the few that have made comments about the fact that I shouldn’t have had this baby - lol. Simply, kindly, fuck all of the way off. He is a very very wanted, very very loved little boy that will know nothing of these issues I’m facing at the moment. This is very much an issue for me to deal with, that I am facing (which I love that someone implied that I’m not thinking about my child because I’m complaining about how his father is handling this situation lol). Baby’s needs are being met all the same, he will never go without. I will never, ever tolerate mistreatment of my child. That includes by his father. Rest assured, that in the examples I gave above, I absolutely gave my partner plenty of shit for. They will not be repeated situations. He is changing his actions, it’s just taking a long time, and I just really needed a rant.

Again, no I shouldn’t have to tell/explain to him why the things he’s been doing are fucked up. I know that. But I do. Would it be best for me to leave him? Lose my house, become a single parent, fight a custody battle, lose my dog, not have my partner, who I love? That’s the alternative that is being suggested. I think at least feeling out this really really difficult transition period of having an entire helpless human being to take care of is probably perhaps the better option.

I do truly, wholeheartedly believe that the majority of the issues we’re having are due to this being a huge adjustment period for everyone involved. My partner is not an evil, horrible person like is being suggested. I promise. I wouldn’t have had a child with him if he was.

Why did I post this? The same reason I post most things. To hear from some people that have/are experiencing similar situations, so I feel a little less alone, get some advice, get it off my chest.