lol at natties trying to increase their testosterone

This is one of the biggest copes in the fitness industry.

The rational of natties is, if steroids can make people gain more muscle, then if I'm able to increase my test naturally, I should see better gains. This is cope.

First of all, steroid users never get off steroids. They do blast and cruise/TRT, they have supraphysiological levels, even during cruising, their levels are at the end, if not above normal.

Even TRT fellas injecting only 100mg a week, can have 800-900ng testosterone and high free test, which most natties do not have even in morning fasted.

Steroid users make more gains than natties, because their high testosterone levels are more consistent through the day and week. Most natties are not even above 600ng in the morning fasted, that's their best levels, which it will dip to 300-400ng at night.

If you have 300mg in the morning, imagine where you would be at night.

This is without taking into account all the other every day life factors that can drop testosterone and that steroid users are unaffected to since their test comes from a bottle.

You name it, chemicals, technology, additives, food, stress, anxiety, sleep, calorie reduction, dieting, etc. They all are hormone disruptors.

Another problem is that the natural boosting coping protocols; will do very little if at all for free test, which is what really matters for muscle building. You may be able to raise your total test during the morning fasted, that aint gon do shit to improve muscle gains lol it may help a little with energy, libido at best.

In addition, steroids do other things that help muscle building like recovery allowing you train more often, reduce/block cortisol and glucocorticoids catabolic effects, reduce inflammation, promoting anabolism, reduces myostatin, increase muscle synthesis at all times, so you don't even need to lift heavier and heavier

This is why steroids users can just pump and dump and make gains, the anabolism and protein synthesis is already in place by the juice. A natty cannot do this. A natty has to lift heavier and heavier to force protein synthesis and then fight against all the other processes in body that cause catabolism

This is why most natties with average genetics, will never be jacked unless they juice, there is no way around it.

That's not to say you cannot gain muscle as a natty with average genetics, but very soon you will reach a limit and the muscle you gained, won't be enough for you to look swole. You may end looking in shape, athletic but never jacked