Here's why I still don't buy the supposed TU1 lineup

So, Title Updates - in the MH games that had them - have so far served exclusively to do two things:

  1. Add harder and harder challenges for players to keep them engaged and reward them with stronger gear.

  2. Prolong the lifespan of the game far beyond its release.

MHW had Deviljho, an Elder-Dragon-level thread as its first title update. Iceborne followed suit with a Rajang on steroids. Rise's TUs were a product of covid, but even they featured exclusively Elder-level threats or actual Elder Dragons. Sunbreak did the same with a trio of Rare Species and Seething Bazelgeuse.

Even MHST2, the spin-off, followed this scheme pretty well. Yes, the first TU was "just" the Palamute, however, TU #2, the first one to include fightable monsters, gave us Kulve Taroth, and two Elder Dragon level Deviants.

Now we come to MHWilds, and the first TUs are supposedly Zinogre and Mizutsune, two very much Rathalos-level threats that would do absolutely nothing in terms of challenge or gear rewards. Their weapons have historically been very much comfy mid-tier, and the armor too. Why would they be added to a game whose story is already complete, and which most likely has far superior gear already in it?

Now, either the Chinese leaker was wrong, had old info, or - and that is my main theory - Zinogre and Mizutsune aren't alone. Perhaps they bring a third, stronger monster, with them in a sort of mini-arc?

Who knows, but I'm not buying the fact that Mizutsune and Zinogre are supposed to carry the very first title update on their own for one single second.

What are your thoughts?