4-month-old wanting to get into med school. How to be proactive? Do I have a chance?


I 4mo(M) want to become a pediatric neurosurgeon ever since I was conceived. I literally remember being a blastocyte and knowing that without a doubt being a physician was my calling.

I am starting daycare in a few months and wanted to know if anyone has any tips on extracurriculars while there??? I feel like I am soooo behind! While most kids are learning how to identify colors, I am in the class flipping through Anki (fyi i'm on a 100-day streak) but am dying to get more shadowing outside of the neonatologist (and a little from OB while in the womb) that took care of me in the hospital. Of course, daycare is based on a sticker/gold star/smiley face system, so I don't have a GPA projection yet. Took a few practice MCATs (527.9 average) so now I'm getting ahead and starting STEP prep.

Any advice would be awesome!

