I’m Indian and extremely hairy
I got hair EVERYWHERE. I don’t really like it but cuz I shed hair a lot, but I’m most insecure about my torso hair. I have an electric razor and I’ve used it to shave my arm hair because frankly I was insecure about that too and it made me feel uncomfortable. I was happy when I got the electric razor and was able to shave my arms clean but the problem is I… kinda looked stupid shirtless? I mean, I am showing 0 people shirtless me so I don’t need to worry about that but point is I look awkward with hair everywhere on my torso EXCEPT my arms. Again, no one is seeing me shirtless but it’s not that big of a problem but it makes me think… should I just keep my arm hair? Let it grow back? Nobody is seeing me shirtless, and if shaving my arms makes me happy (which it does), should I keep shaving my arms? Honestly if could magically remove all my to torso hair I would, alas it cost money.