DinoSawUs (Lost Obscure Kids MMO)
A lot of you are aware of MMOs targeted at kids like Club Penguin and Animal Jam. But there's one that I remember playing a long time ago that I bet many of you have never heard of called DinoSawUs. Basically it was a website like the two I mention, but obviously instead of playing as penguins or wildlife animals, you played as colourful and cartoony dinosaurs. Like the two mentioned games, it had little minigames you could play with your friends, the one that I remember the most being a board game of some sort. You could purchase clothes for your dino and even a car you could drive in. But the thing I remember the most about this game is that there was a button that when clicked on turned every player onscreen into a dancing T-rex. (I even remember the tune that played) Unfortunately you can't play it anymore because the company that made it, Custard Square closed it down, and now the link takes you to their website. Although they are videos of it on YouTube and Vimeo, and there are pictures of it online, which show what the game looked like and how it played. Websites like Common Sense Media talked about it back when it was still up, which give a bit of information about it. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/website-reviews/dinosawus And they even have a Facebook and Twitter account. (Which of course hasn't been updated in years) https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Games-Toys/DinoSawUs-121042351257206/ https://twitter.com/dinosawus?lang=en I'd really want to play it again, but because of it's obscurity, I highly doubt anyone would give it the "Rewritten" treatment like Club Penguin did, especially now that Flash is dead.