I need req’s please

I’m new to the genre but am nearing the end of my second series and need a new one to get sucked into. I really enjoyed

  1. He who fights with monsters by Travis Deverell:
  • I like this because it explores the mental struggles of a guy who has to make ethically ambiguous decisions as he navigates a world of magic, monsters, and the foreign politics of another world. It’s funny, gripping, and thought provoking. Similar to The Marian, by Andy Wier, it is good at preserving the suspension of disbelief by giving you insight into the thought process of a “regular dude”.
  1. A soldiers life by Always RollsAOne:
  • this was another good one because of decisions the character must make and the inner world you get to experience see as as he makes them. It’s good ‘ol dungeon and magic and upgrading skills. He does have “plot armor” in some pretty key moments but his victories are hard won and believable within the paradigm the author set.