Am I going insane?
So I’ve just begun to build my UCS Venator and noticed that when I’m told to build bags 6+7 I only have a non-white-line bag for number 7. I opened them anyway and the pieces I need are just not there.
I’ve attached a picture for reference, but am I genuinely missing bags or am I being dense? If you look at bags 10, 12, 21, and 23 on this picture (I’ve not looked past 30 yet but I have checked both boxes and there’s no additional numbered bags to go with what I have now) then you’ll notice they’re all extra bags and not the main bags with the white stripe.
I will be contacting LEGO’s customer service, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t being insane. I am right in thinking a non-white-stripe is a supplement bag and not the main one? I need to check past 30 but already having 5 missing bags is insane and it’s never happened to me before!
So I’ve just begun to build my UCS Venator and noticed that when I’m told to build bags 6+7 I only have a non-white-line bag for number 7. I opened them anyway and the pieces I need are just not there.
I’ve attached a picture for reference, but am I genuinely missing bags or am I being dense? If you look at bags 10, 12, 21, and 23 on this picture (I’ve not looked past 30 yet but I have checked both boxes and there’s no additional numbered bags to go with what I have now) then you’ll notice they’re all extra bags and not the main bags with the white stripe.
I will be contacting LEGO’s customer service, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t being insane. I am right in thinking a non-white-stripe is a supplement bag and not the main one? I need to check past 30 but already having 5 missing bags is insane and it’s never happened to me before!