it would be interesting to know (What CHAMPION that the majority of League community consider to be actually *FAIR* to play against) ?

So as u guys know that in every Streamer's Chat , in Every game , in Every Subreddit people complains about how "X" Champion is :
unfair , broken , so "interactive" to play against , braindead and requires no skills , unskilled , etc etc

All Mains have their specific champions to complain against how "Auto-Win" that champion is , and is just so Braindead that ANYONE can win with it .
(Basically anything that proves he didn't lose because of the opponent is better)

BUT it's never the same champions tho , every Subreddit has it's own set of champions , ADC's complains about Top laners , Top laners complains about Jungles ..
Mage mains complains about Assassins , Assassins mains complains about Mages or whatever
Cassio mains complains about Xerath , Xerath mains complains about Cassio

So it would be fun to know what *champions* that most of the League players agree that is Fair to play against , actually skilled , fair to lose against , interactive in lane , etc ..
that u basically feel u lost because simply the opponent is better than u and that's it and u just got out-skilled , out-played simply ...
(i know it's impossible because League players never admits that they made a mistake or it's their faults ever or that god forbids the enemy laner is better than them or more skilled haha ,but let's see)

(Ps : yes i am an Ex-League player)