13.1 ARAM Balance Changes
"We're back in the office and back to work. Submitting the following changes to ARAM balance for patch 13.1. We kept it to safer buffs/nerfs in order to give the team time to properly test updates to the systems." - https://twitter.com/ExasperatedDan/status/1610486074937323521
The 12.23 ARAM changes shook up the way everyone plays on the Howling Abyss, and we're addressing some immediate balance concerns as we continue to evaluate the Tower Rubble and other new changes.
>>> Buffs <<<
The Marksman Class
Marksmen are suffering the most with the changes, so we're returning a small amount of lifesteal power to move the whole class slightly upwards.
- Lifesteal effectiveness on minions increased 50% >>> 60%
Death Timers
In patch 12.23, death timers were changed to be 3 seconds longer in the late-game. We are walking back a bit of that change, and are closely monitoring game time to consider further changes.
- Death timers at levels 11-18 are all reduced 1 second
Individual Champions
- Draven
- Outgoing damage increased 100% >>> 105%
- Kai'Sa
- Outgoing damage increased 100% >>> 105%
- Attack speed scaling increased 100% >>> 102.5%
- Kalista
- Outgoing damage increased 105% >>> 110%
- Lucian
- Outgoing damage increased 103% >>> 105%
- Tenacity increased 0% >>> +20%
- Lulu
- Shield modifier increased 100% >>> 110%
- Nunu & Willump
- Outgoing damage increased 108% >>> 110%
- Damage received reduced 92% >>> 90%
- Tenacity increased 0% >>> +20%
- Udyr
- Outgoing damage increased 100% >>> 105%
- Tenacity increased 0% >>> +20%
- Yuumi
- Healing modifier increased 100% >>> 110%
- Zeri
- Outgoing damage increased 105% >>> 110%
- Damage received reduced 95% >>> 90%
>>> Nerfs <<<
Primarily to Juggernauts and Assassins, who are dominating the Abyss at the moment. Many were given extra power to help them in the previous iteration of ARAM, and we're reducing some of that extra power.
Individual Champions
- Bel'Veth
- Outgoing damage reduced 105% >>> 100%
- Damage received increased 95% >>> 100%
- Darius
- Damage received increased 95% >>> 100%
- Healing modifier reduced 120% >>> 100%
- Ekko
- Damage received increased 95% >>> 100%
- Elise
- Outgoing damage reduced 110% >>> 105%
- Illaoi
- Damage received increased 95% >>> 100%
- Irelia
- Outgoing damage reduced 105% >>> 100%
- Damage received increased 95% >>> 100%
- Kassadin
- Damage received increased 95% >>> 100%
- Tenacity reduced +20% >>> 0%
- Katarina
- Outgoing damage reduced 105% >>> 100%
- Damage received increased 90% >>> 100%
- Kha'Zix
- Outgoing damage reduced 105% >>> 100%
- Damage received increased 90% >>> 100%
- Maokai
- Healing modifier reduced 100% >>> 80%
- Mordekaiser
- Outgoing damage reduced 100% >>> 95%
- Damage received increased 100% >>> 105%
- Nilah
- Outgoing damage reduced 100% >>> 95%
- Healing modifier reduced 100% >>> 90%
- Rek'Sai
- Outgoing damage reduced 110% >>> 100%
- Rengar
- Outgoing damage reduced 108% >>> 100%
- Healing modifier 120% >>> 100%
- Sett
- Outgoing damage reduced 95% >>> 90%
- Sion
- Outgoing damage reduced 92% >>> 90%
- Damage received increased 108% >>> 110%
- Talon
- Outgoing damage reduced 110% >>> 105%
- Damage received increased 92% >>> 95%
- Teemo
- Ability haste reduced 0 >>> -20
- Outgoing damage reduced 90% >>> 85%
- Urgot
- Damage received increased 100% >>> 110%
- Zed
- Outgoing damage reduced 110% >>> 100%
- Ziggs
- Ability haste reduced 0 >>> -20