I feel like companies are just playing games with their applicants instead of actually hiring people
I’ve been unemployed for about 5 months now. I wasn’t getting very many interviews at first and I think that’s because of the holiday season. The last month I’ve gotten about 10 interviews but I’m still unemployed. I’ve even gotten to the second round of interviews multiple times but the company always comes up with an excuse not to hire me. Like one time after 2 interviews they told me they weren’t actually hiring and didn’t need an employee, even though the job was listed online. I even got rejected by Walmart for a cashier job when I have 6 years of retail experience and they said they hired a “more qualified candidate”.
Now don’t even get me started on phone interviews. I’ve had 4 different companies just ghost me at the time of my interview and then I’ll never hear anything again from them, when they’re the ones who invited me to the interview in the first place. All of the jobs I’m applying for I’m highly qualified for but I still can’t get hired and it seems like they either just ghost me or come up with a weird excuse to not hire me. I don’t know if this is a me problem or if other people are experiencing weird things like this too. It sucks, I just want a job!