Newish Still. Working On My First Invite, But Messed Up I Think. I Need Advice

My Lambo invite expires on the 18th.

My Ferrari invite expires 3/4.

I’m not doing as well as I’d hoped for in farming credits for the Lambo. Time isn’t as available to me to play the game as much as I’d like… So, I opened another case hoping for in-game money, and got a Ferrari invite.

I know everyone says their invites are far and in-between with certain vehicles. And it’s usually early on in their game.

These are my first invites.

So, with my back against the wall, what’s the order I should buy these cars, you think?

I figured I should prioritize what’s the best first.

Porsche invite expires 2/18 also. I’m not so hard pressed to get the Porche.