Lost $2,500 in Roth IRA AND 529 NH

Hi everyone, need help , I am new to Roth IRA and Fidelity investment. I lost $1,200 in Roth IRA when I invested for Financial year 2023 and 2024 together in April 2024. I received some money I can put it away for my future. Plus I put in some money in 529 plan for my child’s education plan which I will need in about 5-6 years. Now, 529 plan with Fidelity is New Hampshire s&p index funds, which lost $1,000. My Roth IRA is FXAIX, SOXX ETF, and IETC ETF. Please advice, I am loosing lot of money. I wish I put the money in HYSA (high yield saving account) …what do you all think?