Is there anyone else Albanian here? Can we get that cancerous religion out of our country please?

One of the reasons people still treat us as second class citizens, is because of that cancer, Islam. Although we are Europeans, one of the reasons we can't join eu, is because of islam. Our prime minister, instead of making the economy of our country strong and the state powerful, wants to build more mosques 🕌, like dude we are in fucking Europe of 2025

Although Albania is secular, I am really concerned for the growth of islam. Sometimes I think even if the country joins eu and builds a strong economy, is gonna be the safe place of Muslims of the outsiders ( middle east etc) and is gonna be like London. This cancerous religion is holding many beautiful countries with great culture back.

Middle East, Egypt etc. My condolences to the countries with theocracy. I wish we could get rid of this.