The mental gymnastics are insane

If your god is all knowing and all powerful... Wouldn't it be easy for him to create a language that everyone understands? Right? That should be easy enough for someone who claims to have the power to do anything. But no. He decided to make it in Arabic and make it collectively harder for everyone who wants to enter your religion just because, you know... Reasons. Maybe, just maybe... That was the local language at Muhammad's time and he so happens to make up some book in it? Like every local religion out there?

Also, some Christianity disrespect. Got to love me some of that. Yes, sir. /s

And saying that even as an Arab you don't understand the quran until you read it in English is crazy... Says a lot about how convoluted that thing is. And most of these tafsirs are just making extra effort to make sense of nonsense. For example, الم verse or كهيعص. Where's the miracle in that? And if your miracle is just some words in a book, and I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, then that's not a holy book. That's poetry... And bad poetry at that.

And again... Can't god make one universal language that anyone can understand without learning it, just from birth you understand it, and it's in his supposed holy book? That'd actually be a miracle and would provide some arguments.