I've cured my skin!
Not sure if this will help anyone else but maybe someones issues are similar.
I've never had any skin issues as a child, and last year randomly my skin started itching like crazy. I had these dark red ichy spots all over my legs which later appeared on my hands as well. I've used every drug store lotion on it with no luck. After almost a year of struggling I went to the GP. The first time she prescribed me steroids, without even looking at the condition. Needless to say steroids work only as long as you use them. Went to another GP. He suggested that it might be contact dermatitis but what the hell do I use on my legs, hands and elbows at the same time. I was also referred to a dermatologist (who was useless, wanted to put me on steroids, no allergy tests nothing).
Finally after 1,5 year my skin is back to normal, turns out that my dermatolocally tested body wash for atopic and eczema skin (that's ironic) + the laundry detergent combo were causing my contact dermatitis. All I had to do was change both products. After that just some emollients and time.
What I used: https://www.ariel.co.uk/en-gb/product/by-type/pods/ariel-original-all-in-1-pods https://www.eloderm.pl/produkty/mycie/eloderm-zel-do-mycia-ciala-i-wlosow-2w1-400-ml
What I use now: https://www.seni24.pl/lotion-do-ciala-myjaco-natluszczajacy-seni-care-500-ml_12385-20489 https://www.coccolino.pl/produkty/produkty-do-plukania/coccolino-core-sensitive-1800ml.html
TL;DR: I've changed body wash and laundry detergent and the dermatitis is gone.