Dear Republicans of 15 years ago… what the f*ck?!
I’m a lifelong liberal myself but I was raised by republicans and surrounded by them growing up. The Republican Party of even 15 years ago would be HORRIFIED at the Republican Party now. They would be burning shit down over the fact that there is an un-elected foreign operative in the White House, standing behind the resolute desk, allowing also un-elected sycophantic children to access all of their money, all of their data, everything. They wouldn’t grin stupidly while said foreign operative stripped them of their workers rights and protections, as well as their financial stability and ability to retire. While two out of touch billionaires make snide comments and act like hateful children, starting trade wars to satisfy their dick measuring competition. This is fucking shameful. This is not American. This is wrong on every damn level and I cannot believe that in such a short time SO many people lost their damn minds. Trump is an evil, foul, racist, sexist piece of shit but Elon musk is something else entirely. He is not a sane human being. He wants everything he can get his creepy little hands on. He literally just wants to have the most stuff of any human. He wants his legacy to be bigger and better than anyone else’s. He’s a narcissist, and a dangerous one at that. He would sell out all of humanity just to satisfy his own desires. He believes that he alone has the right to to fuck over billions just so he, one man, can get what he wants. He is literally antithetical to life and progress. He is inhuman, a disease. And yet you who claimed to be such patriots just slobber at his feet. The “party of small government” is now the party of a couple of billionaires in everyone’s life, bank account, bedroom, church, classroom, etc. And ask yourselves— in the decade that the Republican Party has become this MAGA cult, has life improved? Because from where I’m standing it’s gotten WAY worse. Things weren’t perfect ten years ago but we weren’t this. We were still mostly united, we were making progress. How are y’all not embarrassed for having fallen for a ridiculous conman? How are you not mortified to be supporting the destruction of the country you claim to love? Because you hate the 1% of Americans who are transgender? That’s more important to you than law, order, the constitution? Who are you to tell anyone how to live? Was that not the original stance of your party? I’m just mind blown how far this has gone in such a short time.