Need help ensuring my Ecobee is configured correctly with my Bosch IDS 2.0

Late fall I had installed a Bosch IDS heat pump. The heat exchanges sits on top of a Lennox dual stage furnace, 96% efficient system. In the graphic you can see my Aux heat is running 1st and 2nd stage as it should. I have my threshold set at 40F due to my COP calculations I've done and cost of energy in my area. 40F seems to be a financially good cutoff to run NG for secondary heat. That is not my issue/concern. What worries me is my HP (Heat) when at 40 or warmer shows in the Ecobee report as only running stage one. I thought that when the furnace calls for primary heat (via heat pump) it would stage up by running stage one from a moment then into stage two fan, eventually. This graph only shows 1 stage of heat pump. Is there likely a reason it won't jump into stage 2?

Settings are:

Auto Heat/Cool = Enabled

Heath/Cool Min Delta = 2 degrees F

Configure Staging = Manual

Aux Heat Max outdoor Temp = 55 degrees F

Compressor Min Cycle Of Time  = 300 sec

Compressor Min Outdoor Temperature = 40 degrees F

AC Overcool Max = Disabled

Heat Differential Temperature =1.0 degrees F

Aux Min On Time = 5 Min (default)

Cool Differential Temperature 1.0 degrees F

Cool dissipation Time 0 seconds

Compressor Min ON Time = 10 min

Compressor Reverse Staging = OFF

Compressor Staging 2 Temperature Delta = 1 degree F

Compressor Stage 1 Max Runtime = Not Used

Compressor to Aux Temperature Delta = 2 degrees F

Compressor to Aux Runtime = Not Used

Aux Reverse Staging = Off

Aux Stage 2 Temp Delta = Auto

Aux Stage 1 Max Runtime = 15 min

Temperature Correction = +2 degrees F

Humidity Correction = +0%

Thermal Protect = Disabled

Based on pandaman1784's suggestion, I moved the following and look at the results;

Heat Differential Temperature =1.0 degrees F

Compressor Staging 2 Temperature Delta = 1 degree F

Compressor Stage 1 Max Runtime = Not Used

Compressor to Aux Temperature Delta = 2 degrees F

And this is what I have for today's heat cycle.

Sure looks like Im getting secondary heat (blower, I assume) now when I was only getting 1st stage before. Thank you for your suggestion. Really, very helpful.

Wiring at Lennox 296V furnace:

My Bosch IDS 2.0 is using:

White in W2 along with Black form Ecobee (W2)

Yellow in Y1 along with Ecobee in Y1

Brown in C and C in Ecobee

Blue from Bosch HP is joined to the Ecobee Blue via Wago connector.

Here is my wiring at my Ecobee:

My COP calculation sheet