Many blessings from my Solstice fire to yours!

May the light of Alban Arthan shine in our hearts throughout the year! May it be for us a constant reminder that even in our darkest times, we can find joy and brightness. We are, all of us, a part of the Great Mystery, the Eternal Dance, and that is a gift I’m grateful to partake in with each of you. And of course, warm Summer Solstice greetings to our siblings in the southern hemisphere! May we all be blessed by the turning of the Wheel.

May the light of Alban Arthan shine in our hearts throughout the year! May it be for us a constant reminder that even in our darkest times, we can find joy and brightness. We are, all of us, a part of the Great Mystery, the Eternal Dance, and that is a gift I’m grateful to partake in with each of you. And of course, warm Summer Solstice greetings to our siblings in the southern hemisphere! May we all be blessed by the turning of the Wheel.